What is the KOSGEB SME Digital Transformation Support Program? How to Apply?

KOSGEB Digital Transformation Support Program for SMEs
KOSGEB has announced the SME Digital Transformation Support Program, which presents a significant opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This program aims to develop business processes, increase efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and boost their share in the economy in line with Turkey's national and international goals. The purpose and details of the support program are as follows.

Purpose and Conditions of the Support
KOSGEB's SME Digital Transformation Support Program enables businesses to use loans with 20% lower interest rates. However, certain conditions must be met to benefit from this support:

Definition of SME:
The support is targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises with 10-249 employees and an annual turnover of 10-500 million TL.

Loan Amount:
Only loans between 1-20 million TL are supported under the program.

Usage Purpose:
The loan should be directed towards the purchase of machinery/equipment or software specified in the approved Digital Transformation Assessment Analysis and Roadmap Report. The purchased product should meet a need identified in this report.

Application Process
Digital Transformation Consultancy:
Consultancy services must be obtained from digital transformation consultants certified by TÜBİTAK Turkey Industrial Management Institute (TÜSSİDE), and an approved Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment Analysis and Roadmap Report must be obtained.

Financial Conditions:
The businesses' "Operating Profit" for the last 3 fiscal years or "Total Equity" for the last fiscal year must not be negative.

The application to KOSGEB will be evaluated by the board.

Approval and Purchase:
After the board approval, the machine and loan must be obtained within 1 year.

Loan Usage:
The loan will be taken from TEB Türkiye Ekonomi Bankası, and 20% of the loan interest will be covered by KOSGEB. For example, a loan taken at an interest rate of 55% will be like taking a loan at an interest rate of 35%.

Interest Payment:
Businesses will first pay the loan interest to the bank, and then KOSGEB will reimburse the part corresponding to 20%.

Professional Consultancy Service
KOSGEB's SME Digital Transformation Support Program offers an excellent opportunity for SMEs to accelerate their digital transformation processes and increase their competitive strength. For applications and more information, you can visit KOSGEB's official website or contact us. Don't miss this opportunity to prepare your business for the digital age!

Choose Yeditek Expertise for Digital Transformation Consultancy
To receive DDX Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment services, you can trust Yeditek's TÜBİTAK-certified DDX consultants, who have carried out projects in many areas of digital transformation. We provide professional consultancy services to determine your business's digital transformation roadmap, manage the process correctly, and apply for KOSGEB support. By standing by your business throughout this process, we will ensure that you make the most of KOSGEB's support.